Green Week
Green Week which is Sponsored by JLJ Global Foundation, Inc. gathered more than 500 people on the anniversary of Jonathan Lee Jordan Sr’s passing in September to pay respect and honor to his life. We started the week with an HCHS Alumni & Celebrity Basketball game and ended with Community Day where we had face painting, balloon twisting and jump houses and a candlelit vigil.
Upcoming Projects
Second Year Anniversary
Sunday August 4, 2019
JLJ Global Foundation, Inc. alongside Title Sponsor Holmes Funeral Director will holding our 2nd Annual Back 2 School Giveaway / Community Fun Day, Sunday August 4, 2019 in the heart of Polk County in Haines City, FL.
3rd Annual Green Week
September 20 - 22, 2019 & September 26, 2019
For more information please watch out for updates soon.​
Back-2-School Give-Away
JLJ Global Foundation had it's first annual "Back-2-School Give-Away" on July 28, 2018. JLJ Global Foundation wanted to give back to the community by giving Backpacks that were filled with school supplies so that kids that are less fortunate can receive the school supplies they need for school.